CDI Core Services
Consultation on human subjects study design, data collection form development, outcome measures, and research ethics for basic, translational, and clinical studies
- Preliminary project review and consultation
- Human subjects study design consultation
- Consultation in defining clinical phenotypes
- Consultation on selection of outcome measures
- Consultation on data collection strategies and data collection forms
- Research ethics consultation for use of existing biosamples
- Assistance with IRB applications
- Identification of existing UCSF clinical data collections that can be leveraged for new research
Facilitate identification of human clinical phenotypes for basic, translational, and clinical studies
- Consultation in defining clinical phenotypes
- System-wide EHR queries to generate cohort counts by phenotype; generation of patient lists for recruitment
- Recruitment of human subjects
Provide state-of-the-art data retrieval and management resources, including construction of electronic health record (EHR)-enabled registries
- Data retrieval, storage, and management services
- Shared data storage
- EHR-enabled registry construction
- Upload of datasets to ImmPort, a bioinformatics platform for sharing de-identified clinical and biological data
Provide coordination and resources for human subject research and biospecimen collection
- Coordinate patient recruitment efforts through existing cohorts or EHR queries
- Serve as a liaison between treating physicians and investigators; facilitate access to sub-specialty clinics
- Collection of peripheral blood and other biospecimens